Fire Up at 55 Plus

35. Who’s Got Your Back Behind The Velvet Rope?

December 14, 2023 Laurie Adams

"People can take advantage of your kindness if you let them. Setting and enforcing boundaries is essential for self-preservation and maintaining healthy relationships." So said multiple-award winning actress Angela Bassett, who should know. Because despite her talent, drive and proven tough climb to success, she has remained a kind, active supporter of too many worthy causes to count. Most notably for our interest on this podcast, Bassett is passionate about empowering women. And her words here matter. There’s a difference between kindness and the kind of people-pleasing that can suck the joy of giving right out of you. Self-preservation—that is self-love and self-care—is like the oxygen mask you must put on yourself first in order to have your own happy, healthy life. The unique life you want that enables both giving and getting.

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This episode was produced by The Podcast Teacher.

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