Fire Up at 55 Plus

51. A Clothesline, a Mall, and Your Basement, Oh My!

April 04, 2024 Laurie Adams

So, what do a clothesline, a mall, and your basement have in common? Obviously, they all are spots where you might find clothes. But then … this is no obvious podcast! This is the place for curious, creative listeners to think outside of the box and get fired up about doable, life-changing action. Today that action is for weight loss—always a popular goal—a lifelong maintenance goal. As a midlife-plus curious listener, you know the tried and not true tools that have not worked long-term. Diet mentality, public weigh-ins at group meetings, counting calories, counting points, and grit-your-teeth willpower. You’re sick of all that, I was too! The great news is that at our experienced age we also are grounded in some tried and true tools. One I’m going to talk about today has always worked. But in light of new science and that positive psychology I’m always telling you about, this action is proving even better over time—and especially for your time of life! It’s also the un-obvious answer to the clothesline-mall-basement mystery. (Yes, that’s still a teaser.) Get ready for a the success story with a clothesline spin plus a bullet list for easy, effective listening.

No one-on-one coach in your life? No problem. Besides this podcast—I've got you covered with my free, 3 Steps to Self-Start Your Weight Loss checklist. To get it just send an email with the subject line "3 Steps" to

This episode was produced by The Podcast Teacher.

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