Fire Up at 55 Plus

53. Reclaim Your Vitality, Ward off Disease with Delane Vaughn, M.D.

April 18, 2024 Laurie Adams

Today I have the honor of sharing the wisdom and expertise of Dr. Delane Vaughn. She brings the invaluable combination of being both a family medicine practitioner and a certified life coach. From nurse to physician—including outpatient, inpatient and ER care, she developed a passion for disease prevention and now, in her life coaching practice Delane helps women ward off type 2 diabetes with a natural approach and today will share what you need to know to enhance your health, including such practicalities as shunning enticing processed foods. Whenever I meet a practicing physician who has added life coaching to round out her eminent qualifications with comprensive insights for the feelings and emotions of individuals, well, I can’t wait to hear more!

"14 Days to Better Blood Sugars":
Reversing Diabetes with DelaneMD Podcast

Instagram: @delanemd
Facebook: DelaneMD

Beside this podcast—I've got you covered with my new free checklist, 3 Steps to Self-Start Your Weight Loss. To get your free copy and start losing like a boss, just ask for it via email to

This episode was produced by The Podcast Teacher.

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