Fire Up at 55 Plus

71. Fearless, Flapping Your Wings, or Flying?

September 05, 2024 Laurie Adams

Ah … those feelings: your dominant, real, authentic feelings …  the ones we talked about in the last episode, no. 70. They are the clues to what’s going on with you, from elation to depression to confusion. I can’t think of a better example or time of year to talk about this, using what most of us have heard of as “the empty nest” syndrome. Your children flying the coop out of high school, to college or a place of their own and a new job of their own, or even moving cross country for heaven’s sake. Did this situation creep up on you, take you by surprise or gobsmack you when, maybe, you just didn’t think about the reality beyond all the prep you helped with to launch them? Were you ready, are you ready? Thrilled to start a new chapter for yourself with less day-to-day responsibilities for others? Or, sad and confused? Maybe you're stalled and just stuck. Today we’ll review how naming your feelings will clarify this new phase of your life—and to plan for the best life in your “second act” that we always pursue here.

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This episode was produced by The Podcast Teacher

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