Fire Up at 55 Plus

90. Make Midlife Reinvention Easier Now | Stop the Struggle and Embrace a Joyful Journey

Laurie Adams

Here’s your good news, and the second episode this year to provide a power tool to ease your 2025 journey along the path to best-life change—by just one year from now! What’s that, what tool? It’s fun, yes I said fun … you know: glee, delight, pleasure, playfulness, or just plain smiles of satisfaction. Fun is the best attitude, belief, and action to pull out of the magic kit known as “positive psychology,” really! Today you’ll see how to get started now for cheerful life transformation, absent the grind of perfectionism and restriction. So let go of the “rules” as you listen on.

To joyfully work with me as a one-on-one coach for life change, weight loss, goal execution, and more, send an email to for a no-pressure conversation about what we can achieve for you together in 2025.

This episode was produced by The Podcast Teacher:

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