Fire Up at 55 Plus

94. Who is the Boss of You? | Reject the Rules and Rejuvenate

“You are not the boss of me!” has become a familiar punch line in movies and TV episodes. Do you have a boss now who recognizes your worth … who supports your growth and aspirations? Do you want to stay with that boss or stay out of their way? Deep down we all know who our real boss is, and today we’ll unpack how and when the boss took charge of our day-to-day responses and forged a long-term agenda we still turn to today for guidance. We know those rules well, but if they no longer serve us … I mean really serve us, are we willing to take a risk to reject them? Let’s clear this up for your best-life changes now.

To work with me individually as your own life coach and blow up the rules you’re ready to reject, just send an email to We’ll explore what’s missing in your life and how to fire it up in a no-pressure conversation about what we can achieve together for you in 2025.

This episode was produced by The Podcast Teacher:

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